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Welcome to BioNEDD Lab

Biopolymers and Nanoengineering for Drug Delivery and Molecular Imaging

Our research objective is to develop polymeric drug delivery systems (DDSs) that can efficiently deliver anticancer drug to cancerous cells using biocompartible/biodegradable polymers. DDSs can be prepared in millimeter, nanometer and molecular scale. For the millimeter scale, the research aim is to develop intratumoral implantations that can be injected directly inside tumors releasin anticancer drugs to kill cancer cells.

For the nanoscale, we develop magnetic nanoparticles that can be detected by MRI once injected inside the body. Not only to visualize cancer cells in vivo but these nanoparticles can also selectively deliver anticancer drugs to these cancer cells. For the molecular scale, anticancer drugs are chemically conjugated to the polymer chain to enhance the cancer cell uptake and reduce the side effects of these drug


Research Focus

  1. Multifunctional polymeric nanoparticles as cancer targeted, SPECT and MRI imaging probes.
  2. In situ solidifying, intratumoral injectable polymer implants for brain cancer chemotherapy.
  3. Cell encapsulation in microbeads for transplantation
  4. Antibacterial coating of medical devices

Selected Publications

Preparation and in vitro characterization of SN-38-loaded, self-forming polymeric depots as an injectable drug delivery system (J. Pharm. Sci.)



Tri-component copolymer rods as an implantable reservoir drug delivery system for constant and controllable drug release rate (J. Mat. Sci.: Mat. Med.)

Open Positions& Scholarship!

We currently have available positions for research assistant and scholarship for graduate program in Biomedical Engineering at Mahidol University.

We are recruiting Ph.D. students for Royal Golden Jubilee (RGJ) scholarship



Latest News

Ph.D. Defense presentation, Mr. Chawan Manaspon


Visit from Professor Agata Exner, Case Western Reserve University, US


The 5th BioNEDD Symposium @Springfield Village Golf & Spa


MU Open House was held at Mahidol University, Salaya




Please feel free to contact Assoc. Prof. Norased at norased.nas@mahidol.ac.th, if you have any question or comment .



Current Project


image 1
Polymeric Implant
image 2
Medical Imaging
image 3
Nanoscale DDS
image 4
Antibacterial Coating